Commercial Laundry

Commercial Laundry in Palm Beach Gardens

Owning a business takes a lot of time and effort. Don't waste any of that time doing your business' laundry. Your time is valuable and you don't want to do laundry or pay an employee to do that laundry when you could both be doing something more productive. 

Let Palm Beach Laundry Service take care of everything for you. We will come to your location as often as you need us to. Our commercial laundry service will pick up all of your dirty laundry and return it to you clean and neatly folded. 

We work with many different industries: 

  • Spas
  • Chiropractors
  • Medical Clinics
  • Health Clubs / Gyms
  • Restaurants
  • Sports Teams
  • Colleges
  • Hotels / Motels
  • Pet Grooming
  • Airbnb / VRBO
  • Massage Centers
  • Mechanics

Commercial Laundry Services for Spas and Salons

When someone goes to a spa or a salon, they look forward to being pampered. That means being offered soft, fluffy towels and robes. Sometimes it is difficult to keep those towels in their best condition when they get things like nail polish, paraffin wax, and hair dye on them. Our spa laundry service was designed with you in mind. We can get your items clean without sacrificing the texture. 

Commercial Laundry Services for Airbnbs, VRBOs, HomeAway

Vacation rentals often have a lot of laundry that needs to be done once your guests leave. Every room has some type of laundry that needs to be done. There are bathroom towels, kitchen towels, bedding, seat cushions, and more. And it all needs to be done before your next guests arrive. Our Airbnb laundry service will make sure that you always have clean linens when you need them. 

Commercial Laundry Services for Restaurants, Bars and Catering

It doesn't matter what type of food or drinks you serve, some of it is going to get on your linens. You will get lip stick stains on your linen napkins, and food stains on your tablecloths. Drinks will spill and cushions will collect crumbs. In the restaurant business it is essential that everything looks as clean as it can be. Our restaurant laundry service will get everything from your kitchen towels to your waitstaff uniforms clean and professional looking.  

Commercial Laundry Services for Hotels & Motels

Traditionally every room in a hotel or motel is cleaned on a daily basis. Even if you run a small property, that is a lot of laundry. You probably have your own laundry room where you pay for the maintenance and the power and water for your washers and dryers. If one of your machines breaks down or you have an unexpected rush of customers, your whole laundry routine could devolve into chaos. Our linen cleaning service will help you do some or all of your laundry for you. 

Commercial Laundry Services for Gyms, Rec Centers, Health Clubs

Gyms, rec centers, and health clubs often provide their clients with towels. Those towels aren't just used for after a shower, then are used to wipe the sweat off of clients and the machines. It is very important that those towels are properly cleaned before the next client uses them. Our towel cleaning service will make sure that you always have fresh, clean towels on hand. 

Commercial Laundry Services for Doctor's Offices

Medical facilities are always expected to be as clean as possible. Cleanliness is never so important as it is in a doctor's office. Our medical laundry service will work with whatever type of office you run. We will wash scrubs, hospital gowns, towels, sheets, uniforms and more. We know how important a clean, professional appearance is at a doctor's office, let us help you achieve that goal.